Watch the following TEDTalk about artificial intelligence:
Grady Booch:Don't fear superintelligent AI
You should create 3-4 questions that are inspired by some of the key words/sentence openers etc. from EACH of the three categories (and ten questions in total). Read through all of the questions and key words first and look up any words whose definition you are unsure of:
i) Evaluating and drawing conclusions
Begin questions using words such as: define; give examples; compare and contrast; argue; give reasons for; judge; justify; criticize; consider; conclude; critique; summarize; appraise; suggest; decide; evaluate.
ii) Author's / Speaker's choice of style, format and ideas
What are the ideas, messages and attitudes presented by the creator/speaker? What is the creator/speaker trying to tell us? How has he or she expressed this meaning/opinion/concept?
What is the tone of the text (formal, sarcastic, ironic, aggressive, familiar, charming, rude, enthusiastic)?
What does the tone of the text tell us about the meaning and the creator’s/speaker’s attitude towards ...?
[List of words, images or an extract from the text]. Why has the creator/author/speaker used these words/images?
Who is the audience? What has the creator/author done to get the interest of the viewer?
Why has the creator/author chosen these words/images/this layout and presentation?
How does the creator/author of this presentation create mood through the visuals that contradict the spoken message?
iii) Opinions / Personal responses
How has this webcast/website/advertisement/presentation/cartoon/story/documentary/short film/music video influenced your ideas or feelings about ...?
What did you think of the ...?
Have you ever felt like ...?
What was your reaction to ...?
What/how did you feel when …?
Do you believe …?
Do you agree with the creator/author?
“The speaker shows bias when he refers to one of the nationalities.” Explain, providing specific examples.
“This is an effective advertisement.” Support or oppose this statement, referring to the efficacy or lack of efficacy of propaganda techniques used.
How does the second speaker express disagreement without doing so directly?
What effect do you think the creator/author was aiming for by using a mix of formal language and slang in the final dialogue? Support your answer with examples.