Monday, 19 September 2016

Educating Essex: Episode One

Image result for educating essex

1)Watch the first 10 minutes 40 seconds of the clip.
2)Copy and paste the below table and then complete it, explaining what the expression means in the context of the documentary and what it suggests.

What it means in context of documentary
 Clear off scumbags!
 A teacher says this in the opening credits to dismiss his class. He is joking because ‘scumbags’ is a derogatory term but the pupils don’t mind. This suggests they have a good relationship.
  Their headteacher has grand ambitions.

   The mantra that we use is…

 That’s easier said than done.

  …without a shadow of a doubt.

 This little sergeant major character is what he is… who is ‘uber-focused’ on everything…

 There is no reason for you to wear
      that dead animal.

  … I will restrain you!

   I give you credit for your ingenuity.

 is often the last resort…

 that’s what does my head in.

 A lot of young people struggle with
      the concept of boundaries.

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