Monday 3 October 2016

Educating Essex: Returning to Episode One

Together, we are going to watch the remainder of episode 1 of Educating Essex (from 10 minutes 40 seconds)As we are watching, you should answer the questions below. You can copy and paste them into a Word document and type your answers underneath.

1.Without wishing to sound kind of _________ about it a teacher has to entertain
2.Why does Mr Drew believe that a teacher has to entertain? What example does he give?
3.When you look at it like that, _________!’
4.Do you think it is acceptable for a class to be interrupted to celebrate a teacher’s birthday? What do you think viewers might think of this scene?
5.The hardcore kids we’ve got are really fairly hardcore. They are massively ____________.’
6.Her mobile phone is becoming a ________________ with the staff.’
7.According to Mr Drew what is the way of stopping pupils make a disaster of their lives’?
8.Is expelling a student the solution according to Mr Drew? Why or why not? Develop your answer.
9.She is one of the most __________ young people that we’ve ever had.’ (talking about Carmelita)
10.‘Once a young person decides they don’t care, and they don’t care what you do, you’re ______________ .’
11.Why does Mr Drew want to suspend Carmelita?
12.Why does the other teacher end the phone call with Carmelita’s mother?
13.How does Carmolita’s description of the event vary as the story progresses?
14.Consider the presence of cameras in school based on how they were used to prove Mr Drew’s innocence. Develop you anwers. Consider both the pros and cons of cameras in school.

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