Thursday, 12 January 2017

Of Mice And Men: Chapter Three

Image result for candys dog

Copy and paste the below passage into a Word document and insert an appropriate word or phrase from the box below into each of the spaces.

In the world Of Mice and Men describes, Candy’s dog represents the …………awaiting anyone who has outlived his or her…….. Once a fine sheepdog, useful on the ranch, Candy’s mutt is now …………by age. Candy’s …………………….to the animal—his plea that Carlson let the dog live for no other reason than that Candy raised it from a puppy—means nothing at all on the ranch. Although Carlson promises to kill the dog painlessly, his …………..that the old animal must die supports a cruel…………… that the………….. will dispose of the…….. Candy ……………this lesson, for he fears that he himself is nearing an age when he will no longer be …………….at the ranch, and therefore no longer welcome.

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