Monday 20 March 2017

Blog Writing

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You are volunteering for a local organisation that is trying to clean up local forests and to protect the animals within them.
Write a blog post to reflect on your experiences so far…

Writing a blog...
Make sure you have an engaging title.

How to start?
·         For many people,…
·         I’ve been waiting to write this for some time…
·         So, if you haven’t heard about the recent controversy of …
·         So, I recently went to …
·         I know I’ve posted about … before, but …
·         From … to …, our … have
·         There’s a story currently…
·         Nowadays, I find myself …
·         So, this post is going to …

Expressions/ Idiomatic vocabulary
·         Well, it goes without saying that …
·         If I could put my finger on one thing in particular, it would be …
·         Shame it doesn’t work like that.
·         It goes hand in hand with …
·         Rhetorical questions and answers: Who knows? I don´t. …, right? But when did … become …?
·         Yes/No, …
·         A distraction that I, for one, can’t wait to get rid of.
·         How dare he/ she/ they!
·         I have never eye-rolled this much…
·         Let’s face it …
·         Boo them!/ Cheer them!
·         Needless to say …
·         Anyway, each to their own.
·         To become a dartboard - to become a target
·         To go through the roof - to increase

Introducing yourself in the text/ expressing opinions
·         As a teenager
·         As a black woman…
·         How much I care…
·         But that’s just me.
·         I never thought I’d find myself saying this but …
·         I must say that I agree/disagree with …
·         If I could put my finger on one thing in particular, it would be …
·         What I do know is …
·         Aghh, I’m sorry, I don’t mean to sound like …
·         So, I’m here to …
·         As much as I think that …, I also think that …
·         I love…
·         I reckon… (informal for I think)
·         I guess there is/are …
·         I was pretty freaking amazed…
·         Oddly, while…
·         Aside from the fact that I’m …, I also think …
·         Shock horror, I’m not into …

Speaking directly to your reader
·         Ha! Don’t be ridiculous!
·         Don’t try and kid yourself!
·         Don’t be silly enough to…
·         Get off your high horse!
·         Get off your soap box!
·         Make a difference!
·         By the way, …

How to end?
·         If you want to share/ offer your opinion and join in with this conversation, please leave a comment below.
·         I’d love to know your thoughts so leave a comment below!

·         If you agree with me, please share my post.

EXTRA: Idioms are an excellent way to show off in informal writing. Try to learn some of the ones below and use them in your blog.

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