Monday 6 March 2017

Debating Vocabulary

To improve / worsen
To encourage / prevent
To support / object to
To develop
To provide (with)
To implement
To solve
To allow / permit / let

Imagine a society where
Wouldn’t you prefer …?

Without a shadow of a doubt, …
It is absolutely vital that / crucial that …
There is no question that

We all know that… (get the listeners on your side)
Think about it: … (use imperatives to attract the audience’s attention)
I’m sure that everyone in the room would agree / recognize / accept … (encourage your listener to agree)
Let’s face it, … (making something seem like a self-evident truth)
Imagine a school where … Does this sound ……….? (scenario)
Would you really ………? (rhetorical question – add detail)
What next? Would you accept …(use exaggeration)

·Although / Even though / Though
·Despite / In spite of
·Therefore / As a result of this / Consequently
·On the other hand / However / Yet / Conversely
·Otherwise / If not
·This may  lead to / This could cause
·Due to this
·First of all / Firstly / Secondly / Thirdly / Furthermore / Moreover / In addition to this
·In conclusion / In summary / To sum up, …
·…for two main reasons: Firstly…., Secondly, …
·Unfortunately / Undoubtedly / Currently / Unsurprisingly

Responding to the opposition
After listening to your points, I must point out that …
While it’s true that ……, you must admit that …
I would like to point out one major flaw in your argument: …
Although I accept that …., as you have said, I find …. absolutely preposterous!
Don’t you think that it’s a little naïve to assume that … ?
You claim that … But it’s completely realistic to suggest that…

Rhetorical questions (Add detail and develop the question)
Do you honestly want to implement a system which ….?

Lists of 3:
Adjectives (It is expensive, inefficient and unreliable)
Nouns (It would negatively affect students, parents and teachers.)
Verbs (to improve, renovate and develop …)
Points (It would lead to an increase in the profits of the company, a positive impression of the business and a number of new customers)

Knock down the other side of the argument
While it’s true that …,
Although many people may agree that…
Yes, …. Yes, … and yes, … However, have you seriously considered ….?

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