Friday 9 December 2016

Of Mice and Men: Character Review

Image result for of mice and men characters

1) Slim
2) Curley
3) Curley´s wife
4) Crooks
5) George
6) Lennie
7) The boss
For AT LEAST four characters, complete the following tasks on a PowerPoint document (one slide per character):
1) Find a picture of your character
2) List 8 adjectives that best show this person´s character
3) Find 3 quotes to show this person´s character
4) Their relationship with George 

Thursday 17 November 2016

X-Factor Writing Exam: Some Common Errors

Below are sentences with some of the common errors made in your recent X-Factor writing exam. Try to locate the mistake(s) in each sentence and then write them out correctly.

1.I was so excited about entering in the competition.
2.An advise I would give you is to stay calm.
3.He transformed it into a song played by an acoustic guitar.
4.I had to do an apology.
5.It repeats the phrase, this emphasises the importance it has to the singer
6.The next couple of sentences describes
7.He also is saying that he is sorry
8.James Arthur have chosen this song because
9.He used to have a bad behaviour
10.He might feel identified with the lyrics
11.It appears me that he is very unhappy
12.He meet him after 22 years
13.Everyone commit errors
14.The judges were very kind with him
15.They told to him that he was a great singer
16.His father was in the backstage
17.It seems related with the theme of his family problems
18.It seems is about his past
19.In my opinion, I think that he sang  this song because
20.He was fed up with all
21.He is saying that he want his parents to forgive him
22.He could had chosen this song to sing because
23.He use to say that he wanted to be adopted
24.He referred to the fact that he want to don’t be judged

Monday 14 November 2016

Conditionals: A Quick Recap

Image result for conditionals cartoon

You should aim to include at least one of each of the three conditionals below in your writing assessment tomorrow.

First Conditional
1) If I FIND my wallet, I WILL GO out.
2) What WILL HAPPEN if he FINDS out?
3) He WILL BE in trouble if he DOESN'T DO the homework.

Second Conditional
1) If you FOUND a watch in the street, what WOULD you DO with it?
2) I WOULD SEND her a postcard if I KNEW her address.
3) If I HAD more money, I WOULD GO OUT more.
4) What WOULD you DO if you WON $1 million?
5) If I WENT to Brazil, I COULD LEARN Portuguese.

Third Conditional
1) I don´t think so many people WOULD HAVE COME to the concert if they HAD KNOWN that the lead singer was ill.
2) We WOULD HAVE SAVED a lot of money if we HAD GONE to a cheaper restaurant.
3) He WOULD NOT HAVE BOUGHT such an expensive guitar if his father HAD NOT GIVEN him money.
5) Why WOULD he HAVE PHONED us if he HAD NOT BEEN in trouble?

The X Factor: Cher Lloyd

Before singing:
Cher: My legs are _____________________ like mad.
Dermot: Who have you got with you?
Cher: This is my ________________, my granddad, my mum and my ____________ brother.
Dermot: How’s ________________, are you alright?
Where’s does Cher say she´s from?
What do your family think about all this?
They’re really ________________________.

After the song:
Cheryl: Cher, you are ____________________________ street!
Natalie: I think you’re ____________________.
Louis: You were absolutely _______________________.
Simon: That was a great, great ______________________.

Dermot: How are you feeling?
Cher: Oh my ________________.

Louis: She’s a bit like you, yeah.

Cheryl: She even had a ______________________________ hand.

Listen to Cher Lloyd's performance and fill in the blanks:

Hopped up out the ________, turned my swag on
Took a look in the _________, said what's up what´s up '? Yeah
I'm gettin' money ohhhhhh

Hopped up out the _________, turned my swag on
Took a look in the _________ said what's up? Yeah
I'm gettin' money ohhhhhhh

They told me round my hood
What they say?
Every time they see me I look good, yeah
Why? I'm gettin' ________ ohhhhhh

If you be _________, just be mad at yourself
I bet you think this song is about you
Don't you? Yeah
But this ain´t about you, yeah

Said this is for my __________ who be handlin' business
Got M ups to them haters 'cause we too busy winnin'
You can't tell me nothin'
You can't tell me nothin'

If you ain't gettin' __________
Then you ain't got nothin' for me

'Cause I be makin´ paper like you wouldn't believe
And always gettin' _________ like you wouldn't believe

Extended Answer Questions:
1. Write a 50 word summary of the song explaining the meaning of the lyrics.
2. Choose three different lyrics and explain specifically what they mean in your own words.
e.g. When Cher Lloyd sings, 'cause I be making paper like you won´t believe', I think that she means …/ she is referring to …

Thursday 10 November 2016

Advanced Reported Speech Verbs

verb +
verb +



object +  
verb +
preposition +






me to look for a new job.
*They invited  all their friends to attend the presentation.

*Sheoffered to give him a lift to 
*My brother
refused to take no for an answer.

*Tom admitted
(that) he had 
tried to leave early.
*She agreed
(that) we 
needed to reconsider 
our plans.

*He denied
having anything to 
do with her.
*Ken suggested
studying early in the morning.

*They accused
the boys of
cheating on the exam.
*She blamed 
her husband for
missing the train.

*He apologised
for being late.
*She insisted on
doing the washing up.

Wednesday 9 November 2016

The X Factor: Tamera Foster

Image result for tamera foster x factor

Copy and paste the below sentences into a Word document. Then watch contestant Tamera Foster's first appearance on the X Factor via the link above and then fill in the blanks in the text.

You should aim to use some of the vocabulary from this exercise in your writing exam next week.

Before the performance…
Tamera’s mum: Just ______ they’re not out there. Sing like you’re at home.
Tamera: Most of my family’s here to ______________ me. My grandma’s my number one fan.
Tamera: The only    _____          I’ve ever done are, like,  in school ____________. That’s all I’ve done!
Elliot Canavan Doyle is a _______. What does this mean?
Sharon to Elliot: I really think that you need to go and _______ more time on your craft
Tamera: I’m feeling really scared about ________ judged… ____ my own!    
Tamera: This is so _______
It’s been  _________ ______, and it’s just so much to take ___, there’s so many of you.
Sharon: So what’s the song you’ve _______________ for us?

On stage...
How do the producers of the show add drama to the moment when Tamera stops singing? Make at least three points.
Louis: She’s gone _______ on her words.
Sharon: She’s gone ________.

The judges' verdicts...
Gary: Umm, Tamira, it was ___ _____ _____ perfect ok. But what we see here right now is _______    ______  belief. That was ________ and _____________.
Sharon: Tamira, can you just _____ me…. How old are you? … You take ____ ___  _____ away. So many people wanna be Whitney, but her songs are so _________   and I thought, you’re gonna ________ it. You were _______________.
Nicole: You’re still young, you have a lot to ____  __ because some  of it is a little _____ __ ________ ….. but you have a ______ and  ______; you’re a star.
Louis: …If you get your ____ _______, you are the best – you are _____________.
Gary: Alright, ______ we vote? ________ start with Nicole.
Nicole: It’s an _____ ______ ______ me.
Sharon: Tamera, if you forget your lyrics in bootcamp, I will ______ you. With a big ______.
Louis: This could be the first day of an amazing _____________ for you. Don’t _______ ___ ___. You’ve got four _________ yeses.

After the performance:
Louis: I am ___________.
Tamera: I’m just ________________, I’m so thankful.